So many of us are in a season of transition. You might face challenges in your job or business, and need to be more creative than ever. You might feel demotivated in your job search, not getting the results you want in the midst of the pandemic crisis. Or you may be wondering if you should dare leaving your job, your comfort zone and security for a more fulfilling job and work-life balance.
In those moments, we tend to focus on what’s going wrong. We tell our friends and loved ones about our worries and issues. We find it hard to remain peaceful and confident that all will be fine.
Listen, so many people face seasons of transition to finally come out of the tunnel of uncertainty, more empowered than ever. For that you need to successfully manage your thoughts. Throughout the day, we think way more negative thoughts than positive ones.
But here’s the thing. This doesn’t allow us to be resourceful. If we fail, we find excuses in the outside world – while we didn’t act full blast. Ordinary people who accomplish great things have understood that. They learn how to be resourceful – including in tackling uncertainty, finding jobs or any other context.
According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12’000 to 60’000 thoughts per day. 95% are repetitive and 80% are negative thoughts.
Each season of transition is a wonderful opportunity for us to grow, get out of our comfort zone and become a better version of ourselves.
There is nothing life puts on your path that you can’t overcome or learn from. Everyone can acquire the techniques to accelerate results – whatever challenge they face.
For example, start by getting more conscious of your thoughts. See which ones serve you to move the needle. And see which ones keep you in a negative state such as fear, demotivation or blame. Remember, 80% of our thoughts are negative. Focus on how to solve your problem rather than on what makes you unhappy. It might seem trivial but most often our brain concentrates on the latter. It takes significant efforts to train ourselves to change this habit. You will become more likely to tackle issues better and faster. You will gradually stop losing your time and health on what doesn’t matter. People will start wondering how come you achieve more than average people!
Following the success of the webinar on 5 Proven Levers To Align With Your Purpose And Have Meaningful Work, as promised, I will again offer the webinar as requested by those who couldn’t join in December and in April. The webinar is free and will notably include a few powerful hacks on how to tackle uncertainty.
Our heartfelt thanks for all your messages and positive feedbacks following these two events!
Join us online for one of our free events or reserve your spot for another date!
Let’s share great time together among our community members.
Participants in the last webinar are of course welcome to join again for a refresh! True leaders review their basics until they fully master them!
Sign up here.
Let’s Create New Waves To Craft A Better World !
Maria Zarraga & ForWaves® Team